Portfolio > Curatorial

Hassan Nor in his first gallery exhibit
The Art of Hassan Nor

Hassan Nor’s drawings depict a utopian vision showing peace and abundance from his memories of home, Jubbaland, Somalia, growing up in the 1940’s and ‘50’s. He memorializes the tragedies and struggles that he remembers as well. Drawing on life events including his nomadic years back home, his journey to America and his new life here, his jewel-colored drawings resonate with the captivating voice of his storytelling — fascinating; both urgent and romantic.

I met Adeer (Uncle) Nor in 2013 through his daughter, Farhiyo and her neighbor, Gerry, in south Minneapolis. Subsequently, Adeer Nor and I met numerous times over several years to collaborate and to bring his work to a wider audience. I was honored to advocate for him and work with him to introduce his work to the public in his first art exhibition. Thanks to the assistance of interpreters, including his daughter and several bi-lingual friends from the community.

In 2016, Adeer Nor’s first gallery exhibit at a small gallery in south Minneapolis was a celebration of Somali culture and a family affair — Farhiyo generously prepared beautiful and abundant Somali food, and his granddaughter, Aisha, read her poetry.

Also at this event, Somali-Swedish author, Awes Osman, read in English and Somali from his latest novel, Sunita.

Thanks to Farhiyo Ali, Awes Osman, Halwa Hussein, and Ahmed Ismail Yusuf for their assistance interpreting and their support of Adeer Nor.